Maple Pecan Pie Recipe

Maple Pecan Pie is one of those really old, well known, highly adaptable recipes that has a few hundred variations out there- this version is a pretty basic one that is super easy to put together and you should be done in an hour.

Normally we suggest that you use grade “B” maple syrup for it but we find that the bitterness of the nuts makes grade “A” maple syrup a better choice for most taste buds. You decide- make one of each and let us know which you like better?

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Maple Pecan Pie Recipe
One of those "standard" pies that everybody should know how to make- Maple Pecan Pie is easy to make- very little in the way of mess or dishes to clean up.
maple pecan pie slice served on a china plate
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
maple pecan pie slice served on a china plate
  1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients
  2. Pour the mixture into the pie shell
  3. and bake in the lower half of the oven at 350 degrees F for 35-40 minutes. Let it cool before serving
Recipe Notes

In theory, you could do an egg substitute an a butter substitute to make this maple pecan pie vegan but we've never done it. If you HAVE, please tell us how it turned out?

Swapping out the butter for margarine is easy though and then you have a nice pareve and vegetarian dessert.

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